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Last night Eric and I went through clothes that Ollie had outgrown and sorted them into keep and discard piles. It made me so sad to put away these clothes that I loved to see Ollie in. Honestly, I'm not even sure what we're keeping them for, other than we can't bear to get rid of them. When we were done we'd filled up a big plastic container. There were so many things Ollie looked adorable in, and its all a reminder that time is linear and we keep moving forward as he gets bigger and bigger. How do I reconcile my desire to see him grow up, to see him start reading, to see what kind of man he becomes, with my desire to snuggle little tiny baby him to my chest forever? Both things cannot be. Instead we march uninterrupted towards the inevitable day that he will be a grown-up. Parenting is hard sometimes.


Fiona Author Profile Page said:

That's why I feel so emotional about Ben turning one... I have to put away more clothes next week which I hate but at least we're keeping them all for the moment. I'll be useless at getting rid of them when the time comes...

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