Personal: March 2005 Archives

March 24, 2005

Power Bars Ahoy


For those of you who don't know (which is probably everyone), the personal trainer Jen and I consulted with has told me I need to add calories to my day (this will not come as a shock to anyone who knows me) and add about 12 pounds. To this end I have been advised to eat breakfast as well as some sort of mid-day (and mid-evening, if I can manage it) snack.

Jenny has taken to this idea with great relish. We have had several shopping excursions where we go down the entire power bar aisle looking for the bars with the most calories. We then pile varieties of these bars into a shopping cart, and I go home and eat 1-2 a day in addition to breakfast, lunch, dinner, and an apple.

Since I have to eat these (so far mostly) godawful power bars, I figure someone might as well get some entertainment (or would that be infotainment?) from my experiences, so I'll be reviewing each bar as I try them. All scores are on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "Oh my god I can't believe I put that in my mouth" and 10 being "Fill up the shopping cart tasty". Different flavors of the same bar will be added to the original bar review, so check back often for updates! And may god have mercy on my soultastebuds.

The Reviews:
Peanut Butter Rage
Clif Bar

March 6, 2005

My dogs are barkin'


I have no idea where that phrase comes from, but it makes me giggle, so I've been using it lately. Also variations on it: my wolves are howlin', my cats are meowin', my guinea pigs are whistlin'. :) So I'm easily amused. :)

For those of you who don't know, I started a new job Tuesday, working for a company that does association (membership management, fundraising, etc) software that's used by non-profits and other associations. It's a larger company than my last job (if still several orders of magnitude smaller than Boeing), so more structured and better benefits. And no travel. On the down side, I'm back in VB6 land for the moment (ack), but at some point I should get to live in C# world again. I hope. <overdramatic>Every time I load the VB6 IDE I die a little inside.</overdramatic> At least I found an add-in that enables mousewheel support in the VB6 IDE... that was a serious failing. :)

Jenny and I joined a gym this weekend. It was exhausting, but good.

In home news, we finished the office: new floor, new paint, new curtains, and new office chairs. It looks remarkably nice in here. Except for the stack of books that have nowhere to live for the moment. We actually entered all of our books into a spreadsheet while we were reloading the shelves. Yes, we are major geeks--but at least we'll know what we already have next time we raid a library booksale. :) We got some new living room furniture this week... it's very large. Also it's covered in Teflon, which I feel is really the killer app for furniture. I mean, who doesn't want a couch that can't be punctured, can't be stained, and to which pet hair refuses to adhere? Also, if there is ever a shootout in our house I am totally hiding behind the loveseat.

I feel like I have a lot of things to talk about, but not really anything to say. Work is much better, free time is good, exercise is good, and my whales are singin'. ;)

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