Personal: March 2003 Archives

March 24, 2003

Weekend report


Pretty wild weekend, for us. Saturday night we went out to dinner and then out dancing at Have a Nice Day Cafe for Christina's birthday; got home about 3 am, completely exhausted. I'm learning to enjoy dancing, which is something I never thought I'd say. :)

Unfortunately Cara decided to spend much of Saturday morning (between 3 and 9 am) throwing up wood chips, which meant we were both exhausted most of the day Sunday.

Last night we had an Oscar "party" (I think you technically need more than 5 people for it to be a party, but whatever). We printed out Oscar ballots from E Online and gave away a $10 gift card to Blockbuster to the winner. Lots of food, lots of alcohol, and a pretty good time. Jenny won the gift card with 12 correct answers; against all odds I tied for second with 10.

Some bad news: My ferret, Galt, has a tumor which has apparently gone critical in and around his lower spine; apparently he can't really move his hind legs all of a sudden. He's the last of our five ferrets; poor things really seem to get hit hard by tumors.

Some worse news: A friend of our family who has spina bifida is in really bad shape. He probably won't make it much longer. Matt has the kind of courage and spirit you don't see very often; I doubt I'd have put up the kind of fight he has. Atheist that I am I find myself hoping there's something good waiting for him.

March 18, 2003

The corruption proceeds apace…

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Muhahahahahaha… Jenny has decided to read The Return of the King after we saw The Two Towers again tonight. She will be a geek, oh yes; she will be a geek.

March 16, 2003

Pretty good day


Today was just about the perfect day. Sunny, ~70°. We took the dogs for a 2-1/2 hour romp through Forest Park and the Central West End; they went swimming for the first time this year. Pictures to follow on the photo album as soon as I get around to uploading them. A little bit of job research tonight while eating cheesecake and drinking coffee at B&N, a nap this afternoon, and the NYTimes this morning. I couldn't construct a better Sunday if I tried.

March 12, 2003

The secret to marital bliss…


"I think the best thing about having married you is probably gazpacho. My life was sorely lacking before gazpacho."

Jenny, ruminating on the highlights of our joint life.

March 11, 2003

Jenny's home…


Finally, Jenny has returned. Unfortunately she spent most of yesterday feeling quite ill, but it's still great to have her home. Hopefully we can spend a few quiet weekends together before things get all crazy again.

March 3, 2003

Personal Update


Weather's nice today, sunny and about 50. The ground, however, is about as soggy as corn flakes left in the milk all day because of all the snowmelt.

Jen's currently driving somewhere in Connecticut with her mom and sister; I'm still sick (going on the 8th day) and starting to lose my voice, which could make the nightly phone call with Jen a little more difficult. :-(

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