Personal: October 2002 Archives

October 30, 2002

All alone


So since Jen is spending six hours a night at rehearsal, I'm all alone every evening. It's odd how unused to this feeling I am—I get up at 7 or 7:15 in the morning, and that's the last time I see her until midnight or so, at which time it's just about time to fall into bed and do it all over again. It's surprisingly lonely.

On the other hand, apparently I'm to be listed as "Master Carpenter" on the programs. And I'm designing the show's poster/program cover (using a photo taken by Jen's youngest sister, Lindsay). So I guess there's a tiny little silver lining after all. Sort of.

October 15, 2002

Close call


I had a close call which ultimately turned out to be good news this week: the RAM in my personal computer died, and thus so did my PC. This is not normally considered Good News, but the RAM happens to be Crucial brand RAM, it's backed by a lifetime guarantee. I called them up, they shipped me a new stick, and I ship the dead one back to them. The only cost to me is shipping of the old stick to Crucial. Fantastic company, great customer service; don't buy RAM anywhere else.

October 11, 2002

New member of the family


No, we aren't having a child. But there is a new member of the family. He's a German Shepherd mix, slightly younger and slightly bigger than Cara. They seem to be getting along quite well, though I'm not sure how long some of the furniture will withstand their roughhousing. We're not entirely sure what to call him; the Humane Society was using Smoky, but he's not really a smoky sort of dog to us, so who knows. Pictures forthcoming as soon as we take some… and I need to edit my site graphic.

Update: Okay, so it turns out to be quite fortuitous that I was watching All Dogs Go To Heaven yesterday afternoon, because our new dog strongly reminds me of the protagonist—one Charlie by name. So we've sort of "renamed" the new dog Charlie.

October 8, 2002

My favorite season


The weather yesterday reminded me just how much I love fall. Sweater weather, just cool enough that you can see a hint of your breath in the morning, the kind of day that makes you want to take a big mug of coffee and sit out on a back porch somewhere just enjoying the way the air defines the word crisp. Walking outside in that weather is like a sharp shock that always gets my brain going—which at 7:30 in the morning can be a real trick.

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