Personal: March 2001 Archives

March 29, 2001

03/29/01 -- One of the


03/29/01 -- One of the perks of being laid off is that it means that after tomorrow I will NEVER AGAIN have to listen to the morons in the
NOC/call center singing the same ONE LINE from a song OVER AND OVER AND
OVER AGAIN, or telling the SAME RETARDED JOKE twenty million times a
day. :-P

March 9, 2001

03/09/01 -- Oh my god.


03/09/01 -- Oh my god. It's official… I hate the US PTO. And Apple, for that matter. And Amazon.

March 7, 2001

03/07/01 -- Grandma is doing


03/07/01 -- Grandma is doing much better. She got to come home from the hospital Sunday, which is a definite good sign.

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