Personal: July 1999 Archives
July 29, 1999
July 27, 1999
07/27/99 -- Was on training all last week. I think I could have taught
the class. Sheesh. Anyway. Danielle's coming into town this weekend…
that's exciting. And in two weeks I'll be in North Carolina with Jen and
her fam -- that'll be nice. I deserve a vacation. :) And in about a
month, Jen and I will be seeing REM in concert and I'll be
starting in my new classes -- Artificial Intelligence being most notable
among them. How's that for something to look forward to? :)
July 14, 1999
07/14/99 -- Well, yesterday wasn't terrible, but it wasn't exactly a
day I'd like to repeat. Well, not most of it, anyway. Today started
out badly, got much better, then settled into mediocrity again… so far.
:) My neck hurts like hell (think I either twisted a muscle or pinched a
nerve), but I got an offer to do some guest writing for a kick-ass
July 13, 1999
07/13/99 -- 9:23am. I have this feeling that today will not be a good day.