Lessons people really shouldn't have to learn, part deux

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Ha. It's not every day I get to scoop Joel Spolsky. :)

I've been going through a big pile of applications for the summer internship positions at Fog Creek Software, and, I don't know how to say this, some of them are really, really bad. This is not to say that the applicants are stupid or unqualified, although they might be. I'm never going to find out, because when I have lots of excellent applications for only two open positions, there's really no need to waste time interviewing people that can't be bothered to spell the name of my company right.


Jenny said:

Yeah, I'll be impressed the day you "scoop" E Online! Some minor celeb in the blogosphere... not so much. :P

Jenny said:

blah blah blah blah blah

Eric said:

See, it's intelligent, witty repartee like that that keeps this site so fresh and widely read.


jenny said:

Yeah, it's totally my fault that you're not Lileks. Next thing I know you'll be demanding I give birth so you can have your own "Gnat."

Eric said:

You know, that's not actually a terrible idea...

Except that I'm pretty sure I'd be too tired to post for at least a year afterwards. And we can't really afford a baby right now. Hm.


Jenny said:

Yeah. Again, it's too bad we can't just rent a baby for a couple of weeks. :)

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This page contains a single entry by Eric published on January 26, 2004 8:34 AM.

Lessons people really shouldn't have to learn was the previous entry in this blog.

Success... for now is the next entry in this blog.

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