February 2002 Archives
February 25, 2002
Also, it drives me completely batty to discover the apparent solution to a problem that
has been plaguing me for literally weeks, but not be able to figure out why that solution
fixes the problem. :-P
February 24, 2002
I miss playing hockey.
February 5, 2002
Something I have observed at Jenny's rehearsals: The life of an actor is a never-ending
stream of criticism and correction punctuated by brief interludes of glory and
appreciation. No wonder they're all at least a bit batty. :)
February 2, 2002
Yikes. Two rough weekends in a row. Jenny fractured her ankle rock-climbing today, so
we spent a few hours at the emergency room. Jen's in a rather large moon-boot style cast,
which unfortunately makes getting about somewhat challenging. Never a dull moment.